
Spatial Epidemiology Workshop

by Emily Peterson emily.nancy.peterson@emory.edu


Emily Peterson emily.nancy.peterson@emory.edu Welcome to Spatial Epidemiology Workshop! Spatial epidemiology is a rapidly growing field that focuses on the geographic distribution of health outcomes, disease patterns, and the environmental or social factors that influence them. Understanding the spatial aspects of public health can provide insights into how and why diseases spread, identify communities at higher risk, and inform targeted interventions. The ability to visualize, analyze, and model spatial data has become a crucial skill for researchers, public health practitioners, and … Read more →


Guidelines for Communicating Epidemiology and Public Health

by Genomic Epidemiology Program, Kansas Department of Health and Environment


This manual shares evidenced-based guidelines for communicating epidemiology to the public. […] You can download the PDF version of the document here: Download PDF This guidebook is intended to be a living document and will be updated as our guidance evolves. Major changes (e.g., adding or removing sections, reformatting, etc.) will be explicitly noted in the Version Log. Minor changes (e.g., grammatical revisions) will occur as needed. Guidelines for Communicating Epidemiology and Public Health © 2024 by KDHE Genomic Epidemiology Program is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of … Read more →


Research Methods

by José Becerra, MD, MPH, FACPM


Analytic epidemiology research methods applied to astrological research for example, a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). Research community in general Astrology research community in particular You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use multiple formats from the same book source files. As you work, you may start a local server to live preview this HTML book. This preview will update as you edit the book when you … Read more →


Introductory statistics skills pack

by Glenna Nightingale and Michael Allerhand


This book provides basic material for students seeking to learn statistics in an R environment, […] This skills pack introduces statistical concepts to beginners within the framework of R. Examples of analyses and R code are provided as well. Dr. Glenna Nightingale PhD Statistics research scientist (public health, epidemiology, spatial ecology, computational social science). Dr. Mike Allerhand, PhD Statistics -since 2009 Statistician at the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh. Since 2018 Statistical Consultant in the Statistical Consultancy Unit … Read more →


T32 Working with Data Training

by Jean-Paul Courneya and Amy Yarnell


This is material to accompany class sessions for the T32 Epidemiology of Aging training series […] This book was published with bookdown. The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or … Read more →


(Mostly Clinical) Epidemiology with R

by James Brophy


This is an intermediate epidemiology book that focuses on clinical epidmeiology and its quantification using R. It stems from my belief that the learning of epidmeiologic principles is consolidated through hands on coding examples. […] James (Jay) Brophy is a full professor with a joint appointment in the Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University where he works as a clinical cardiologist at the McGill University Health Center and does research in cardiovascular epidemiology. His research interests are eclectic and include clinical and outcomes research, … Read more →


Disentangling the contribution of climate,deforestation,and control efforts on malaria epidemiology in the peruvian amazon rainforest

by Varios


Disentangling the contribution of climate,deforestation,and control efforts on malaria epidemiology in the peruvian amazon rainforest … Read more →


Nighttime Lights and Malaria in the Peruvian Amazon

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


Code library of data exploration and analysis […] Nighttime Lights (NL) datasets were used into urban planning, econometric downscaling, disaster response, development, and socio-environmental studies since the very beginning of their public release (Pastor-Escuredo, Savy, & Luengo-Oroz, 2015). (Henderson, Storeygard, & Weil, 2012). (Otchia & Asongu, 2019) In the malaria literature, most of studies used data extracted from NL datasets as a covariate to understand malaria epidemiology patterns (Lechthaler et al., 2019), most commonly used as part of an urbanicity/landscape indexes (Keiser et … Read more →


Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology STROBE (STROBE) Educational Expansion

by Melissa K Sharp


This site is a public, open-source repository for epidemiological research methods and reporting skills for observational studies. We aim to be as inclusive as possible but this site is based on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology Statement. […] The purpose of this site is to create a public, open-source repository for epidemiological research methods and reporting skills for observational studies. Epidemiology, the study of diseases and population health, is a broad field with ever-changing methods and often heated debates about proper designs, … Read more →


The Epidemiologist R Handbook


The Epi R Handbook is an R reference manual for applied epidemiology and public health. […] Usage: This handbook has been used over 3 million times by 850,000 people around the world. Objective: Serve as a quick R code reference manual (online and offline) with task-centered examples that address common epidemiological problems. Are you just starting with R? Try our free interactive tutorials or synchronous, virtual intro course used by US CDC, WHO, and 400+ other health agencies and Field Epi Training Programs worldwide. Languages: French (Français), Spanish (Español), Vietnamese (Tiếng … Read more →